Employee disciplinary action.

Employee disciplinary action is a serious step and is fraught with minefields. We will help you navigate the issues and solve the problems. It can be a tricky process to navigate to ensure it is compliant with current New Zealand Employment Law.

It’s critical to follow a fair and transparent process from the outset, to reduce the success of any personal grievance that the employee may raise in response.

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how to avoid the pitfalls

A good disciplinary process comprises of a thorough and impartial investigation, the opportunity for the employee to tell their version of events and respond to the allegations, noting that meetings must be held with reasonable notice and the offer of a support person. This process can be scary and can mistakes can be made.

An employee has to know and have access to all information relating to the issue and understand all the potential outcomes.

Only after consideration of the employee’s perspective can a decision be made. Our team has extensive experience in running and advising on disciplinary processes, and how to avoid the pitfalls.

Call us today for a swift employee dispute resolution.