Personal grievance.

As an employer, receiving a personal grievance is stressful. We will pragmatically deal with the case for you ensuring efficient, effective and fair resolution. This is why you should always engage an independent professional to help you manage the process. We're here to help.

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Experienced Expert Team

An employee has the right to raise a personal grievance if they feel that they have been mistreated or unjustifiably dismissed, under the Employment Relations Act 2000. But just because an employee raises a grievance doesn’t mean it is valid or should be upheld.

Employment law is tough and you may have made a minor error, but unfortunately these could result in costly determinations against your business. We will work with you to establish a strategy to address the personal grievance and minimise the risk to your business.

Our expert team are experienced in dealing with personal grievances. We are frank in our risk assessment and our aim is to resolve issues as quickly and painlessly as possible. The cost, from an emotional, time and of course financial perspective can be huge.

We will work to ensure resolution is on your terms. Sometimes that means a settlement and sometimes that means heading all the way to an ERA hearing. Either way we will consider your best interests.

Call us today for a swift employee dispute resolution.